How to make your GitHub more impressive to Employers
January 10, 2025
In this post, we discuss how to enhance your GitHub profile to help attract the eye of employers. With insights from years of experience in hiring for data and software engineer roles, we'll walk you through actionable tips to elevate your GitHub profile. These range from showcasing your coding projects effectively to optimizing your profile's appearance and readability. Whether you're a fresher or an experienced developer, these tips will help you stand out in the competitive tech job market by showcasing your ability to build great projects with code.
Revamping Your Resume for Digital Transformation
August 2, 2023
Digital transformation, at its core, is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. And as businesses rapidly embrace this digital shift, the job market has evolved in tandem, offering a plethora of opportunities for those equipped with the right skills.
Tapping into Tech Talent: How Traditional Companies Can Win Over Startup-Minded Talent
June 21, 2023
We’re getting into the nitty-gritty of exactly what the digital revolution is, what it means for your hiring plan and how recruiters in traditional industries can bypass the communication issues to attract, hire and retain startup-minded candidates.
How Handles Candidate Rejections
June 6, 2023
We’re outlining’s processes for rejecting candidates with empathy in the hopes that it will help you reverse engineer better methods for managing your own process. What we do might not work for you but we hope you can steal an idea or two to build a kinder, more effective candidate experience. Let us know what you think!
Traditional Industries Are Hungry for Tech Talent - Here's Why
June 6, 2023
As the world undergoes a seismic shift towards digital transformation, sectors once synonymous with tradition and legacy are searching for tech talent. We’ll share the top five reasons why companies in traditional industries are embracing the tech revolution and how your skills can help to revolutionize their future.
Navigating Career Transitions: Is It Time to Move from Startups to Traditional Companies?
May 24, 2023
The world of technology has always been a hub of excitement and opportunity, attracting young professionals to the likes of Google, Amazon, Apple, and dynamic startups. However, recent events have caused a shift in perspectives, leading many technology-minded employees to reassess their career paths. In this blog post, we'll explore the signs that it might be time for a startup employee to transition to more traditional, enterprise companies.
What To Do When A Candidate Rejects Your Offer
May 24, 2023
While it may be disheartening, rejected offers can serve as valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth. In this blog post, we'll explore ways for recruiters to navigate the aftermath of rejected offers with resilience and grace. By adopting a positive mindset and leveraging these tips, recruiters can turn rejection into an opportunity for self-improvement and future success.
Stop Using No-Reply Emails to Send Recruiting Messages
April 7, 2023
A no-reply email is an automated email address that does not accept replies from recipients. This type of email is often used to send marketing emails, newsletters, or automated notifications. Recipients of these emails cannot reply to them or engage in a conversation with the sender.